The City of Dayton does not maintain Birth/ Death/ Marriage records.

We recommend that you contact Montgomery County: https://www.mcohio.org


HOUSING TRACKER/Code Violation Requests- 


This website provides the status of reported Housing Complaints within the City of Dayton for the last six (6) months. 

For more information on open complaints please contact the Housing Services Division at 937-333.3867 or 937.333.3915.

If you wish to submit a request for service or submit a complaint, please visit our Dayton Delivers portal at https://daytondelivers.daytonohio.gov/ 


The Division of Utility Revenue Administration (a Division of the Finance Department) handles delinquent water shutoffs for the City of Dayton.

Please be advised:

The Division of Utility Revenue Administration does not provide information regarding Utility Accounts. 

This information is confidential and is not subject to Open Records Requests under the Ohio Revised Code:

Section 149.43 | Availability of public records for inspection and copying.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Public record" means records kept by any public office, including, but not limited to, state, county, city, village, township, and school district units, and records pertaining to the delivery of educational services by an alternative school in this state kept by the nonprofit or for-profit entity operating the alternative school pursuant to section 3313.533 of the Revised Code. "Public record" does not mean any of the following:

(v) Records the release of which is prohibited by state or federal law;

(aa) Usage information, including names and addresses of specific residential and commercial customers of a municipally owned or operated public utility;)


The parameters for Email Records Requests from the Department of Information Technology (IT):

In order to provide an accurate and complete search, please provide the following information:

  1. Who?   City of Dayton name(s) and Email Addresses of any person(s) or entities that do not work for the City of Dayton (if applicable).
  2. What?  Keyword(s) or an exact phrase(s) to search in the body or Subject line of emails searched.
  3. When? Starting and Ending Dates of emails you want to be searched.


Our DPD office will generate a link for police video requests. We wanted to make you aware, the time frame to receive these videos is approximately 8-12 weeks. Starting April 2, 2025, House Bill 315, will take effect. This bill permits law enforcement agencies to charge for the cost of production of videos in response to public records requests.